How We Spent Our Summer—The Joys of Mentoring Tutoring Chicago Interns

Oct 11, 2024 | About WFC, Asset Management

For many, summer means taking a break from the rigors of the classroom. For the Wentworth Financial Communications team, our summer included mentoring five student interns from Tutoring Chicago, a program that delivers the power of education through one-on-one tutoring.

This opportunity allowed us to connect with our student partners to learn about their current interests and goals for the future. We also discussed ways to sharpen their resumes and cover letters, the importance of networking and taking part in volunteer opportunities, and reasons why effective time management and organizational tools are important life skills.

Our time with the Tutoring Chicago interns allowed us to reflect on some the best career lessons we’ve picked up over the years. Here are a few nuggets of wisdom we thought we’d share.

Do your homework. When I first joined the investment industry out of journalism school in the marketing department, I had no clue what terms like “growth stock,” “Sharpe ratio,” or “active management” meant. My boss encouraged me to read as much as I could, and he would drop his copy of The Wall Street Journal on my desk every morning. I learned that if I wanted to grow, I needed to be prepared and explore new topics. ­Scott Wentworth, CEO – founded WFC in 2015

Never stop networking. Early in my career, I tended to focus on networking only when I needed something—when I was searching for a new job or trying to learn more about a specific topic, for example. But over time, I learned not only how valuable it is to have a strong network, but also how hard it is to predict when and why you’ll need to tap into it. Make building your network a consistent, dedicated focus area, and you’ll be amazed at the rewards—both personally and professionally. ­Connor Martin, COO – joined WFC in 2019

Cultivate mentors. I’ve been fortunate to have incredible mentors who’ve shown me what success looks like and how to achieve it. Their advice and insights have been invaluable, truly making a difference in my career. But remember, mentorship is a two-way street. One trick to cultivating a great mentor is to identify something that’s a pain point for your mentor and offer to take it on yourself. This not only helps your mentor but strengthens the relationship. And don’t forget—people hire you to make decisions, so don’t be afraid to step up and take initiative. ­John Spence, Director, Marketing and Content Strategy – joined WFC in 2022

Volunteer in the field you want to pursue. Volunteering within your desired field is a great way to get hands-on, professional experience (which can boost your resume), as well as an understanding of the expectations and education required for that field. It also provides a professional network you can leverage throughout your career journey. Katie Stout, Director, Operations and Content Strategy – joined WFC in 2022

Stay organized and establish a routine. Each day can bring new obstacles and challenges to achieving your educational goals. By staying organized (have a planner, use checklists, create a dedicated studying space) and building a daily schedule that includes time for studying, homework, and breaks helps limit distractions and can break up daunting tasks into daily obtainable goals. Brian Turner, Director, Content Operations – joined WFC in 2022

Failure is an option. Don’t be afraid to fail. You’re not going to succeed at every task, project, or job. Seek out environments where you’re allowed, or even encouraged, to make mistakes on the road to success. These “failures” will turn into vital learning and growth opportunities and may ultimately re-direct you toward a more fulfilling path. Mindy Yahr Jaffe, Director, Content Operations – joined WFC in 2023

Learn from your mistakes. It’s ok to admit when you’re wrong. I’ve found that when I own an error, I can gain greater knowledge on the issue or project at hand, and it helps me make better, quicker decisions down the road. Dana Stout, Director, Content Operations – joined WFC in 2023

The harder you work, the luckier you get. My dad reminded me that when someone’s success appears to be due to luck or being in the right place at the right time, there is probably a lot of effort behind it. For example, I gained many new personal connections by attending graduate school at night while working full-time during the day. Years later, those connections led me to job interviews that I may not have gotten otherwise. At the time, I felt lucky to have these relationships, but they were created because I was willing to work hard. ­Craig Darrah, Director, Content Development – joined WFC in 2023

Develop a wide range of skills and never stop learning. The world is constantly evolving, and the jobs of tomorrow will look very different from what we know today. By thinking ahead and preparing for change, you’ll stay adaptable and ready to seize new opportunities as they come your way. Versatility and critical thinking will be your greatest asset. Peter Hatfield, Director, Content Development – joined WFC in 2023


Wentworth Financial Communications is a team of writers, editors, and designers who are passionate about helping the financial services industry’s leading firms articulate their expertise and find their unique voice. If you have questions about how Wentworth Financial Communications can help you, reach out to us.

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