Dec 14, 2018 | Financial Advisor Marketing
A version of this post was originally published in December 2016; it was also republished in 2017 and has been updated yet again to reflect the economic and political developments of the past year. The holiday season and the end of the year provide a great opportunity...
Nov 20, 2018 | Asset Management
There’s a lot of new at Nuveen these days. After TIAA acquired Nuveen in 2014, TIAA decided to adopt the Nuveen name for the company’s now $900 billion investment management unit. This sparked a massive rebranding effort, which involved not only bringing all of the...
Nov 13, 2018 | Asset Management
So you’ve decided it’s time for your firm to hire a financial ghostwriter to work on your white papers, blog, newsletters, or other thought-leadership efforts. Now what? Finding a writer who understands the technical aspects of your industry and is a good fit for your...