Jan 24, 2017 | Distribution, Financial Advisor Marketing, White Papers
“If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?” While we wait for philosophers to answer that question, I think it’s time to introduce a new mental conundrum: “If a white paper gets posted only to the Resources page of a company’s...
Jan 11, 2017 | Asset Management, Financial Advisor Marketing, Investment Banking, Private Wealth Management
NOTE: For an updated, 2019 version of this post, “19 White Paper Ideas for 2019,” click here. A common New Year’s resolution made by financial services professional is, “In 2017, I’m going to write more white papers to build my brand and establish myself...
Dec 20, 2016 | Financial Advisor Marketing, White Papers
Every great white paper in the financial services industry starts with one great central idea or thesis. Unfortunately, the corollary to this also is true: if you don’t have a strong unifying thesis at the outset, your white paper is probably doomed. The purpose of a...
Dec 13, 2016 | Financial Advisor Marketing
Given the explosion of data gathering and analytics over the past decade, you might assume that we are living in the Golden Age of Thought Leadership. After all, using data to reveal and explain surprising or otherwise interesting insights about market trends and...
Nov 15, 2016 | White Papers
Before you get started on your next white paper, there are several pieces that you need to have in place. The most important of these is a clearly–and narrowly–defined topic and scope for what you will cover in the white paper. I have written white papers for...