Sep 4, 2017 | Asset Management, Financial Advisor Marketing, Investment Banking
While most CFA charterholders may not consider themselves to be professional writers, most of them spend a significant portion of their day writing. Whether it’s an email to their internal investment committee, a quarterly letter to their fund’s investors, or an...
Aug 17, 2017 | Asset Management, Financial Advisor Marketing, Investment Banking
This guest post was written by Shane Stiles, president of Gate 39 Media. Whether you’re a fund manager, investment advisor or broker, selling retail or institutional trading, or raising assets for a fund—marketing starts with a process. The goal of a well-defined...
Jul 27, 2017 | Asset Management, Financial Advisor Marketing, Investment Banking
Chicago’s historic Printers Row neighborhood has undergone massive changes over the past several decades. Many of the buildings that once housed print shops have now been converted to loft condos, and the printing companies that remain have dramatically adapted their...
Jul 27, 2017 | Asset Management, Financial Advisor Marketing, Investment Banking, White Papers
Financial services professionals are used to dealing with data. Numbers and analytics are at the center of everything you do. Whether you’re a portfolio manager discussing the latest consumer confidence or housing starts numbers in a quarterly investor letter, or a...
Jul 24, 2017 | Asset Management, Financial Advisor Marketing, Investment Banking
Creating thought leadership and other forms of branded content has essentially become table stakes for financial services firms. Today, every brand is a publisher. In this crowded environment, how do you rise above the noise and create content that delivers a positive...
Jun 27, 2017 | Asset Management, Financial Advisor Marketing, Investment Banking
While you may not be familiar with the phrase “custom content,” you probably have encountered custom content at least once (and probably numerous times) today. Custom content is one of the many terms—along with content marketing, brand journalism, branded content,...