Nov 27, 2017 | Asset Management, Financial Advisor Marketing, Investment Banking
Asset management has always been one of the most conservative industries in terms of its approach to marketing communications. Obviously, much of this lack of risk-taking stems from compliance restrictions. But this conservatism is more pervasive than being limited in...
Nov 18, 2017 | Asset Management, Financial Advisor Marketing, Investment Banking, White Papers
With fundraising by private equity funds hovering near all-time highs for the past several years, many institutional investors have been asking whether there is a bubble in private equity as an asset class. University of Chicago Booth School of Business Professor...
Nov 14, 2017 | Asset Management, Financial Advisor Marketing, Investment Banking
“There’s only one way to eat an elephant—one bite at a time.” This is one of the many great lessons that my dad has taught me. It’s helped me overcome feeling overwhelmed at the beginning of many large projects, and it’s been especially helpful throughout my career as...
Oct 31, 2017 | Asset Management, Financial Advisor Marketing, Investment Banking
What could possibly be less exciting than a blog post about capitalization, punctuation, and number-usage rules? A blog post that combines all of those stylistic topics with a lecture about how your firm should have a style guide to help you enforce consistency across...
Sep 28, 2017 | Asset Management, Financial Advisor Marketing, Investment Banking
Many investment firms struggle when deciding what they should write about in their investor newsletters. These decisions can become particularly difficult when there are high-profile news events that are dominating headlines in the mainstream media. As a financial...
Sep 13, 2017 | Asset Management, Financial Advisor Marketing, Investment Banking
Writing quarterly letters to investors is a fact of life for portfolio managers, financial advisors, and other professionals in the asset management industry. Whether you operate a mutual fund that is legally required to send out a quarterly letter or you’re a...