Building a Diversified Portfolio of High-Quality Clients

We partner with firms that realize that their people—and their ideas—are the firm’s most valuable assets. Furthermore, our clients realize that the best way to prove their expertise is to share it.

Featured Case Study: Unpacking the “Liquidity Mismatch”

XA Investments, a manager that provides investors with access to institutional-caliber alternative investments, needed to educate financial advisors about the benefits of adding illiquid assets to clients’ portfolios. We turned XA Investments’ existing white paper on the topic into a compelling two-pager, as well as slides and speaker notes for a webinar.

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More Case Studies

Telling the Story of ESG Integration

We learned how a global asset manager was addressing some of the limitations of ESG ratings by creating its own fundamental approach and then told this unique story through a white paper.

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Explaining Year-End Tax Strategies With Interactive Content

Using video, an interactive landing page, and an e-book, we partnered with a private wealth management firm to tell a multimedia story about new year-end tax planning strategies created by tax reform.

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Rebranding and Differentiating Outsourced CIO Services

When one of the world’s largest asset managers needed to explain what was truly unique about its outsourced chief investment officer capabilities, we created copy for a brochure and landing page that separated our client in a crowded, growing field.

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Going Beyond Tombstones and Data to Show Dealmaking Insights

To show how our client’s investment bankers have their fingers on the pulse of real-time trends that are shaping transaction activity, we wrote quarterly reports that analyzed the key forces affecting valuation trends in specific sectors.  

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Using Infographics to Drive Webinar Attendance

For an outsourcing services practice within a global advisory firm, we created an infographic about the most common productivity drags for finance and accounting departments.

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Editing Quarterly Investor Letters to Resonate Better with Institutional Audience

For Halmos, a boutique investment firm that specializes in private investments in the energy, real estate, healthcare, and technology sectors, we edited and polished the initial draft of its quarterly investor letters to make the letters more compelling for the firm’s investors.

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Building Loyalty Through a Quarterly Newsletter

Through a quarterly newsletter, we help The Retirement Network stay connected with clients and answer some of their most common questions about taxes and investment markets.

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Educating Entrepreneurs About Liquidity Events

For a wealth manager with a large presence in Silicon Valley, we wrote a series of case studies on how entrepreneurs can navigate stock options, IPOs, and other liquidity events in a tax-efficient manner.

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Earning a FinTech Startup Editorial Exposure in Trade Media

For DealRoom, an M&A project management platform looking to bolster its visibility among dealmakers, we spearheaded a focused media outreach campaign that led to multiple editorial placements in influential trade media.

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Earning the SEC’s Praise for a Revamped Audit Quality Report

For a global advisory firm, we partnered with their senior partners to bring a new voice and a fresh perspective to their annual audit quality report—earning praise from the SEC’s Chief Accountant.

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Capturing a Boutique Consultant’s Approach to Strategic Sourcing

We worked with a boutique consulting firm to create copy for their new website that captures the firm’s hands-on approach to strategic sourcing across the supply chain.

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“WFC has been a great partner and has helped Nuveen create a truly differentiated content program for our institutional clients and prospects."
Jennifer Gladstone DeVarney, Head of Content Strategy & Operations, Nuveen
“We enjoy working with the WFC team because they are proactive and independent thinkers, which allows us to do more with our thought-leadership efforts. We appreciate their ability to take our insights and run with them.”
Kimberly Ann Flynn, CFA, Managing Director of Alternative Investments at XA Investments
“Our ability to communicate effectively with America’s corporate boards is critically important to our firm’s success. We consider Scott and his team to be communications experts—and valuable partners in this mission.”
James J. Drury, III, Founder, Chairman, and CEO of James Drury Partners
“The WFC team knows asset management and can turn conversations with senior thought leaders into top-shelf, actionable thought leadership."
Jennifer Gladstone DeVarney, Head of Content Strategy & Operations, Nuveen
"WFC can take complex wealth management and tax topics and explain them in ways that make it easy for our clients to understand how these issues affect their financial goals."
Drew Grider, CFA, President of Leelyn Smith
“Wentworth Financial Communications has helped our firm take complicated financial concepts and communicate them clearly and concisely.”
Jeff Pettiford, Head of Business Development and Investor Relations at Window Rock Capital Partners
“Scott has an incredible ability to quickly understand what I am trying to convey and then distill it down into simple terms that are easy to understand without losing the critical messages."
Andrew Cohan, Halmos Capital
“WFC was able to take our ideas and turn them into a white paper and webinar content with little guidance from us. They worked with enthusiasm and excelled at managing the timeline and following up methodically throughout the project.”
Kimberly Ann Flynn, CFA, Managing Director of Alternative Investments at XA Investments